Tips for Moving Homes During the Monsoon Season

There is a lot to accomplish before moving day, whether you've finally decided to buy a new property or have made the decision to leave your present rental for the new one. While a moving-out checklist might help you leave your present house without a hitch, there are a few crucial missteps to avoid when switching residences. 

Checking the weather forecast in advance and making the move in accordance with it is one approach to lessening the hassle of a move. What if it isn't an option, though? What if you need to leave the property that day? How should you manage moving houses on a rainy day?

Moving during the monsoon season can be a bit of a hassle, but it's definitely not impossible! Check out these tips to help make your move go as smoothly as possible!

Essential Tips for Moving Homes in the Rain

Unexpected rainy days might surely derail your entire plan when you've planned your move to a new house for a specific day. Your leasing agreement may require you to leave the property immediately, or the new owners may be moving in the next day, leaving you with little choice but to make the move immediately. Moving in the rain becomes your only choice in situations like this.

You shouldn't worry, though, because relocating in the rain can go well if done correctly. To make that happen, you only need to take a few extra safety measures. 

Cover all fragile items with plastic before packing.

Sometimes, we advise packing well in advance of the moving day, but in this instance, you might want to consider your packing strategies if a heavy downpour wakes you up in the morning. This procedure becomes much simpler if all of your boxes have been carefully packed and labeled. By labeling the boxes in advance, you can identify which boxes contain delicate items that can be harmed in the rain. Things that are susceptible to water damage include clothes, books, small appliances, and important documents.

Repack all delicate items into the appropriate boxes after opening them, using plastic bags or shrink wrap for waterproofing.


After frequent use, cardboard boxes can become brittle and prone to breaking. It is essential to preserve the boxes from water since waterlogged cardboard would not only refuse to support any weight. The cardboard boxes can be strengthened and made more durable as well as waterproof by applying packing tape on the sides, corners, and the bottom and top openings while you are moving to a new residence.

However, using labeled cardboard boxes for the transfer is usually advised because they will be more sturdy, especially in poor weather. As an alternative, you may think about using sizable plastic boxes for your move. These will keep everything dry and protected from water damage.

Choose a truck with a covered cargo area.

However, avoid taking the chance of causing damage to your things if you are aware that a storm system is developing or if you woke up to overcast, gloomy skies. If moving homes on a wet day is your only option, contact the driver you hired for the job and urge them to either bring a covered vehicle or use a tarp to cover the truck's cargo compartment. By doing this, you can avoid accidentally causing damage to your goods during the relocation.

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Park the moving truck as close to the house as possible.

Transferring boxes from the house to the truck and then from the vehicle to the new place of living requires moving in the rain. The only way to prevent significant water damage is to move as quickly and smoothly as you can. To avoid having to carry boxes over long distances in the pouring rain to the truck, you must make sure the truck is parked as close to the gate as feasible.

Placemats and towels at the entrance to avoid tracking mud into the house.

If you're not careful, you'll end up with muddy shoes and wet clothes in both residences. Place tarps, towels, or cardboard at the entryway of the old house when you are moving things out to prevent dragging mud inside. At your new location, repeat the same action. Do not wear wet shoes or clothing when navigating the new residence. When you've finished drying off, put all of your moving boxes in the room that is closest to the entrance.

Opt for a Rain Jacket to Stay Dry

We've come to this point because you'll be dirty and damp. While an umbrella can always keep you dry, holding onto one will make it difficult to carry boxes with both hands. For this reason, you have to choose a raincoat or rain jacket. The clothing won't provide complete protection, but it will at least keep you from getting soaked and feeling sick in the rain.

Move water -Resistant belongings first. 

Check the weather and, even if there are no signs that the rain will stop, allow it time to subside to a drizzle. In the meantime, relocate your more durable and water-resistant things. This will offer you the chance, however temporary, to transfer water-sensitive objects to the vehicle during a break in the downpour.

Protect your furniture with tarps.
Many people cover their furniture with sheets of cloth before moving, but if you're planning to relocate in the rain, you'll need more than that. Protect your furniture by covering it with tarps, plastic sheets, shrink wrap, or any other waterproofing material you can find. When exposed to rain, leather covers may stain, metal parts will rust, and wooden items will decay.

Unpack Damaged boxes quickly after the move
After a long day of labor, the move is complete, and all the boxes are now safely inside your new home. You definitely want to unwind and take a break right about now, but guess what? The work is still ongoing. When everything has been moved, you should inspect the packaging again to see whether any of the boxes have water damage. If so, unpack those boxes as soon as all of your belongings have been loaded from the truck to prevent water damage to the objects inside from extended contact with the wet and soggy cardboard.

Moving homes during the monsoon season is a very important task. This is because heavy rain can cause water damage to homes and belongings. Use these ideas to move homes on a rainy day without damaging your items. However, you do not have to worry about anything if you hire the right movers like Harry The Mover in Melbourne.
